Workplace Bullying, Stress, Employment Law and You

Welcome to the new and updated Workplace Bullying Site offering resources on workplace bullying, harassment, employment law and industrial stress.

The Workplace Bullying Site which you are now reading is a non profit site working to provide a legal resource to those working against bullying or harassment of any kind in the workplace. Employees must respect Trademark common law rights. It has not been updated in some time however so you should not rely on it! It is quite possible and even very likely that the law has been updated since the information in this site was written. Please seek advice from your trade union or a qualified solicitor instead. If you have household insurance you will probably find that the proteciton of your job in this way is covered by your household insurance in any event!

Anybody who has read law will tell you that legal issues are often extremely complex. We seek to present this site in such a way as to make these issues as accessible as possible for all concerned, whether they be target, employer, trade union representative or personnel specialist. The law however does change regularly so please do not rely on the information you read here.

Whilst bullying may only be perpetrated by the bully, we focus our attention on the industrial relations issues and advise structural and cultural changes in order to minimize the risk of such a problem developing.

Unfortunately time does not permit us to provide personalized support to those in need however we do provide support via a list server open to anybody wishing to join.

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Please note that the information in this web site is provided as a free service, in good faith and to the best of my knowledge and belief. Accessing this site does not create any form of legal or professional relationship and neither this web site, its host or its contributors or sponsors accept any liability or responsibility for any action taken on the basis of information provided. It is dangerous to rely on generalized information or guidance. You should ALWAYS seek independent professional advice in order that it can be tailored to your own individual circumstances

"The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected from the government because speech is the beginning of thought."

Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition, No.00-795, Slip Opinion at 15, April 16, 2002. Mr. Justice Kennedy writing for the US Supreme Court.

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